Art and Design (AccessArt)


Burston & Tivetshall Primary Schools aim to inspire and develop children’s confidence to experiment and invent their own works of art.  Our Schools follow the AccessArt Primary Art Curriculum which has been developed by experts in their field. This knowledge-rich curriculum allows pupils to learn a wide range of skills, developing understanding as well as clear progression throughout KS1 and KS2. 


At our schools children’s knowledge and understanding pupils will go far beyond the technical, factual knowledge, instead balancing declarative knowledge with experiential knowledge, building self-knowledge and nurturing traits in learners which will hold them in good stead whichever direction their learning takes them.

Burston and Tivetshall children develop their artistic skills and knowledge through AccessArt’s ‘Pathways.’  These aim to connect Pedagogy-based resources and activity-based resources on AccessArt, together with external links to websites which explore chosen artists/themes, to form a flexible structure which teachers can navigate easily. Pathways follow tested pedagogical approaches and help build teacher understanding in addition to providing progressive projects.

Each pathway follows a particular format which promotes excellent teaching & learning:

  • Warm-up: Artists: Activity: Crit / Reflection
  • Artists: Materials: Activity: Crit / Reflection
  • Challenge or Brief: Artist: Activity: Crit / Reflection

 Throughout the scheme of work, children will study artists, designers and craftspeople, learning from the way they see the world rather than simply making copies of their style.


Access Art Themes


Each of the pathways ensure full coverage of the national curriculum as outlined below:

It’s important to us that all teachers feel confident in their own artistic abilities.  In addition to the activities within the AccessArt Curriculum, AccessArt links teacher with experts through zoom CPD to support the pathways in the curriculum as well as helping to build teacher understanding and confidence.


The impact of our art and design curriculum can be seen not only in our children’s sketch books but also through classroom displays and the school environment.

Subject leaders measure the impact of the Art curriculum through the following methods:

  • Summative assessment of pupil discussions about their learning.
  • Images of the children’s practical learning.
  • Interviewing the pupils about their learning (pupil voice).

Children in Foundation Stage are assessed with in Expressive Arts and Design and their progress is tracked termly using PupilAsset. 

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